Insider Threats – Employee Data Theft

Employee Data Theft When most of us think about a cybercriminal, we usually think of a person from home, and probably not in your own country. But did you ever consider that a hacker could be inside your own organisation? While most business owners assume that attacks on their company, data, website or operations are […]

What is NIST compliance?

All industries are affected by the threat from a Cyber-attack. These threats and the impact of an incident is increasing each year. There are many organisations that monitor the threat impact and a few that give frameworks for all of us to work towards. NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, based in USA. […]

IT Risk Management – Questions to ask

Understanding the risk What is the value of the information we hold (e.g. intellectual property, financial, strategic plans and other business critical information, customer/personal data)? What are our ‘crown jewels’ that need the most protection? What is the potential impact if this information is stolen or corrupted (e.g. reputational damage; damage to market value and […]

Central Bank PRISM 2019

Information Technology “Findings for credit unions with total assets less than €40m noted a common risk issue related to inadequately resourced IT function. Credit unions should have in place effective structures to manage IT related risks that are appropriate for the business model, size and technological complexity of the credit union, as well as the […]