CP-140 Cross Industry Guidance on Operational Resilience

Operational Resilience Governance Pillar One Idenfity and Prepare Credit Unions

• The board and senior management should have accurate and adequate oversight of resilience activity, trends and remediation measures, which allows them to make the business decisions regarding investments and risk exposure

Before You Enter an IT Contract, Plan Your Exit Strategy

Vendor Management

Without a prepared strategy in place, your exit from the failed relationship may be more akin to jumping out of the window of a burning building, rather than a calm exit using the stairs. Both get you out of immediate danger, but one is much more likely to end in a painful landing.

Cost of a security breach

Much of the business discussion around cybersecurity relates to protection of key assets such as customer information and intellectual property, often after the news that another company has suffered a large data breach. While strengthening defenses against cyber attackers is important, companies also must be prepared to handle the reputational and financial hits that a […]

What is NIST compliance?

All industries are affected by the threat from a Cyber-attack. These threats and the impact of an incident is increasing each year. There are many organisations that monitor the threat impact and a few that give frameworks for all of us to work towards. NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, based in USA. […]

IT Risk Management – Questions to ask

Understanding the risk What is the value of the information we hold (e.g. intellectual property, financial, strategic plans and other business critical information, customer/personal data)? What are our ‘crown jewels’ that need the most protection? What is the potential impact if this information is stolen or corrupted (e.g. reputational damage; damage to market value and […]

Information Security Risk Assessment

Credit union’s backbone is the ability to have a banking software solution active and to facilitate credit union members to access their account(s) online and or within the credit union. This is a critical aspect of the operations of credit unions. It is thus important that the operational staff, management and Credit Union Board thoroughly […]